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Lego Star Wars Minifig Accessoires made by La Petite Brique

Lego Star Wars Minifig Accessoires made by La Petite Brique

We now offer you our own accessories for your Lego Star Wars minifigs.Design & printing by La Petite Brique.
For this new Year, we unveil the new Minifigures Series!

For this new Year, we unveil the new Minifigures Series!

Happy New Year 2019 with Emmet Remix, Lucy ready to fight, Apocalypse Benny, the giraffe boy, the pencil girl, Sherry Griffoir-Poste and Scarfield, the watermelon type, the swamp creature....
The new series of minifigures finally unveiled !

The new series of minifigures finally unveiled !

LEGO has finally revealed the theme of the new series of minifigures : Harry Potter - Fantastic Beasts. Pre-Order here !
LEGO Series 18 Minifigures on sale

LEGO Series 18 Minifigures on sale

The LEGO Minifigures Series 18 includes the Dragon Suit Guy, Firework Guy, Elephant Costume Girl, LEGO Brick Suit Guy, LEGO Brick Suit Girl, Cactus Girl, Party Clown, Cake Guy, Unicorn Guy, Flowerpot Girl, Birthday Party Girl, Birthday Party Boy, Spider Suit Boy, Cowboy Costume Guy, Race Car Guy, Cat Costume Girl and, last but not least, a rare replica of one of the first minifigures ever produced—the 1978 Police Officer.
Discover United Bricks Minifigures and Accessories

Discover United Bricks Minifigures and Accessories

La Petite Brick is now reseller of "United Bricks".You will find the Lego minifigures mainly on the theme of the History, with a great attention to detail, as well as accessories:printed heads, helmets in pad-printing, helmets, legs and tiles...


En 2018, la brique LEGO a soufflée ses 60 bougies. Et votre site souffle en avril 2018 ses 8 ans d’existence. Pour marquer le coup, et vous offrir une meilleure expérience utilisateur, votre boutique fait peau neuve avec un site adapté à tous les supports (smartphones, tablettes...).
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